Ignoring myself is pretty helpful

You know that voice in your head?  Right?

It constantly tells you that you’re wrong for all sorts of reasons…

From how you work or relax, or even how you exist, it tells you that you don’t deserve to have the space to be yourself.

It’s ironic, coming from your own mind, but it’s also understandable.

From the start, we’re socialized to think that others know what’s best for us.

Do they know something that we don’t?

And this applies well into adulthood.

Sometimes I think that I have come into myself. 

And, then, that inner voice tells me that I will never be good enough.

But that inner voice actually represents the negativity that I’ve experienced from this world.

I’m just now beginning to question it in meaningful ways.

And I also know that this inner voice also needs healing and doesn’t deserve to feel the way that it does.

But, for now, I am also ignoring this inner voice. 

It doesn’t have the agency to define me.

I define myself in a context of liberation from my struggles, rather than internalizing them.

So, for now, that inner voice is still inside me,

But it’s on time-out.


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